Kerala Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala took on CM Pinarayi Vijayan and claimed that the grand old party had spearheaded the anti-CAA movement across the nation. Chennithala’s response comes after CM Vijayan asserted that CAA would not be implemented in the poll-bound state following Union Home Minister Amit Shah saying that work to provide citizenship will be undertaken after the vaccination drive concludes. The Leader of Opposition in Kerala took to Twitter to remark that the Congress party had ‘already decided’ that CAA would not be implemented in any part of India.
CM @vijayanpinarayi has said that he will not allow CAA to be implemented in Kerala.
Its @INCIndia that spearheaded anti CAA movement across the nation and we have already taken a decision that we will not allow CAA in any part of the country.#AishwaryaKeralaYatra — Ramesh Chennithala (@chennithala) February 14, 2021
RE | Days After Union HM Amit Shah’s Assertion, Kerala CM Reiterates: ‘Will Not Implement CAA’
‘No CAA in Kerala’: CM Vijayan vows
Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan claimed that his government was firm in its stand that it will not implement CAA or such distress in the state. This comes after HM Amit Shah’s promise to give a tough answer to those spreading disinformation about CAA while addressing a public rally in West Bengal. Amit Shah had said, “As soon as vaccination drive will conclude and we become Corona-free, the work of providing citizenship will be undertaken. This is a law formed by the Parliament and she (Mamata Banerjee) will not be able to stop it, more so because she will be voted out of power in the upcoming elections.”
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Earlier on February 10, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) had stated in Rajya Sabha that the rules under the CAA, 2019 are under preparation and the Act has already come into force with effect from October 1, 2020. The Ministry had made this statement in response to Congress MP Digvijaya Singh’s question on whether it had drafted the rules to be notified under the CAA. Digvijaya Singh had questioned, “If yes, then what are details including the date by which the rules are expected to be notified. If not, then what are the reasons?”
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Responding to his query, Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai had said that the Act has been notified on December 12, 2019. “It has come into force with effect from October 1, 2020. The rules under the Act are under preparation. The committee on Subordinate Legislation, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have granted an extension of time up to April 9 and July 9 respectively to frame these rules,” Rai had added. The CAA was passed by the parliament in December 2019. The law grants citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi, and Christian refugees from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan and came to India before 2015.
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