In light of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis, China in Eurasia is reexamining the BRI.

This essay examines China’s aspirations for connectivity and commerce via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) throughout the Eurasian area, as well as the effects of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With Russia, Europe, the United States, and the rest of the globe making somewhat unforeseen geopolitical maneuvers, the international order is once again in flux, creating a dynamic environment in which countries may change their foreign and regional political options. The most notable example of this is the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has fundamentally altered global geo-economics. Geo-economics, which has several effects on the globe, is the nexus between geography and the global economy. Initiatives for connectedness based on infrastructure, such as China’s BRI, are one example of this. Analysts are beginning to doubt the stability of BRI due to the economic effects of the Russia-Ukraine situation.






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