Wuhan to test all its 11million residents in fear of covid-19 outbreak in the country

Wuhan, Chinese city where the coronavirus was first found is again going to test it whole 11 million population because of increase in covid-19 cases.

The Chinese city of Wuhan will test its entire population of 11 million for COVID-19 after reporting its first local infections in over a year, authorities said Tuesday.

News of the massive undertaking in the city where COVID-19 first emerged comes a day after officials there announced seven local coronavirus infections among migrant workers.

Wuhan is “swiftly launching comprehensive nucleic acid testing of all residents”, senior official Li Tao said at a press conference on Tuesday.

Before Monday, the city had not reported any locally transmitted infections in more than a year.

China has reinstated strict restrictions amid the largest coronavirus outbreak in months, forcing residents in certain cities to stay home and increasing testing.

A man being tested for COVID-19 reacts as a medical worker takes a swab sample in Wuhan.

Wuhan snuffed its initial outbreak with an unprecedented lockdown in early 2020.

China reported its first official coronavirus case in December 2019, which was linked to a seafood market in Wuhan.

But doubt has been cast on the exact timing and origin of the virus.

A report released Monday by GOP Rep. Michael McCaul of the House Foreign Affairs Committee claimed COVID-19 leaked from the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology as early as September 2019.






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